Our Products

At Doctors Optical Labs our belief is that everyone should see the most in life with the highest quality optical lenses. That’s why all of our proprietary lenses are created digitally with compensated RX’s, optimizing your patients vision and giving them the best possible view behind a pair of glasses.



Our EyeFOCAL branded lenses are all digitally surfaced, providing real-time enhancements based on the patients’ needs and Rx.  The EyeFOCAL portfolio offers several progressive and multifocal options, as well as occupational and single vision lenses, supporting you in delivering excellent care to your patients.




Our ActiveAR line of anti-reflective coatings fulfill most patient needs in AR coating technology, including ActiveAR Blue, our in house blue light filter anti-reflective coating.

In addition to offering our own proprietary products, we partner with major manufacturers to produce their lenses and coatings in our Doctors Optical Labs facility.